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Upgrade only web reports

We are running version and was waiting to upgrade EventSentry again until version 4.3 was released. With the recent log4j vulnerability even though EventSentry isn't affected based on KB-ID 461, version was released the other day and states the web reports were migrated to log4j 2.17.0.

If we upgrade the web reports only (web reports only file has been downloaded manually) to this new version, will the full EventSentry version need to be upgraded to this same version before going to version 4.3 when it is released? Or even though there are separate install files, do both the management console and web reports need to be at the same version for compatibility reasons? EventSentry and the web reports are running on the same Windows Server behind firewalls.

Great. Thank you for the quick response.

You can upgrade the web reports separately as long as the first 3 parts of the version number match.

However, we always recommend running the latest version of EventSentry, for example there have been some stability fixes for the agent since build 124. If you're running PostgreSQL then I would definitely recommend upgrading to the latest build.

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